(Sponki) Finishing crystal walls and upgrades

In my secondary account, I’m still working to bring up all the walls to at least level 6 (pink crystal) walls. This is pretty important because this is when it takes at least two wall breakers to get through…unless they have level 6 wbs, which most people at this trophy range don’t.

I’m getting close!


After my top-center wizard tower gets to level 4 and my bottom archer tower gets to 7, I think my base’s defenses will look respectable. Then, I’ll probably need to work on getting all the air defenses to level 4 so they actually look somewhat intimidating :P.  Then, I’ll feel somewhat satisfied for the time being and move onto some of the more annoying upgrades, such as barracks and then all the pumps and mines.

The big research upgrade going on right now is Archers to level 5. This is part of the reason I rushed a bit to TH8 so I could get better troops and donate these to my clan. After archers, I’ll probably do Giants, wallbreakers, then wizards. Somewhere along the line, I might try to do a push to Crystal League just for the achievement, then drop back down.

Layout-wise, I’m pretty happy with my design. I’m winning about two defenses, then losing the third…typically when some of the traps have been triggered already. It also helps a TON when I have a dragon in the clan castle.

We’ll see where things go, but I’m definitely going to stay at TH8 until it’s absolutely fully maxed. To me, this is the sweet spot, and plus, there’s no reason for me to have two TH9 bases (along with SmoothJK).

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